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At its simplest, a tune-up is a type of routine maintenance to keep your car performing correctly. Regular tune-ups can extend the life of a vehicle and help ensure it is operating at its full performance potential. Typically, when to do a tune-up is included in the regular maintenance section of the owner’s manuals. Many vehicles require an annual tune-up.

Tuning-up your car can mean a lot of things. It’s a good idea to check the car’s ignition system and all filters, belts, hoses, and fluids. Many may not need to be replaced, but it will give you a chance to stop small issues that could develop into big problems if left unchecked.

Warning Signs:

  • Increased difficulty starting the car

  • Occasional or frequent stalling

  • Knocking sounds or rough idling/acceleration

  • Bad gas mileage

  • Pay attention to manufacturer's recommendations

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