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Fuel Injection Service(FIS)

Over time, carbon deposits from burning gas can cause a layer of build-up on your fuel injectors and fuel system. A FIS cleans all the nasty build up and flushes it out of your fuel system.

Think of this service as using vinegar and baking soda in the dishwasher to remove grease or going to the dentist for a teeth cleaning to remove tarter. A fuel injection service will remove the carbon deposits and flush the fuel system.

If your odometer reads between 60,000 – 90,0000 miles or between 120,0000 – 180,000 miles you’ll want to get his valuable maintenance, especially if your car goals are longevity.

Do you notice a drop in your fuel economy? Does your car feel sluggish or lack power when the hit the accelerator? These are signs of a carbon build-up in the fuel system.


Why you need the FIS:

  1. Improve gas mileage

  2. Reduce your car’s emissions

  3. Restore and protect your car’s performance


  • Car wont start

  • RPM need goes crazy

  • Idling becomes rough

  • Engine misfires

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